This Explains It!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mia just got out of the shower and I came downstairs, out of the corner of my eye I see the cat in the living room and she looks different. So I reach down and pick her up - then I realize that she is soaking wet! She is shaking and cold and just wet. Then it came to me - Mia took a shower with her. I got a towel and dried her up, trying not to laugh - I went back upstairs and asked Mia if she gave the cat a bath, and she calmly answered - yeah I thought she needed to be cleaned. It didn't even faze her that you don't give cats baths!!! hahahahahaha, I straight faced told her that she can not give the cat a bath that she is probably in shock now and not to do it again. Poor cat :)

1 comment:

  1. lol thsts funny when kendra was younger she did the same thing
