This Explains It!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

On our way to the Doc again. I feel like I live there! Steve has to work on Thanksgiving. It sucks but he will be home that night so we are going to do it late.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


My son is obsessed with Boobies! The other night he said I like your boobies..and smiled and laughed. I asked him why he liked Mommies boobies and he "cause their nice, mama". Hahahahahaha he has been asking about boys and girls and why girls have boobies and why boys don't. He wants to know why he has nipples and how Daddy has nipples too. :) These questions have been going on for a few weeks now.

its so weird how Something we all seem to know about and forget how curious we all once were when we were trying to figure it all out. His facial expressions when he seems to have made a connection, days later when he will repeat exactly what you said only this time he gets it. Its like seeing the light bulb bought, installed, and then shine bright. Remarkable and Entertaining :)

Halloween Fun

Halloween is always fun with the kids. Chase was a teenager (a parents worst nightmare - he informed us), Will was a dead wrestler, bleeding from his face, Angela was a flower child, Mia was a witch, and Hunter was a fire truck man! That's what he says when you ask him what he is. They got so much candy its not even funny.  I could gain 10 lbs in one day eating it all and not put a dent in it. Its insane. Hunter's costume was lent to us by a friend - it was a one piece suit, The warmest thing I've ever seen and good thing too since there is still snow on the ground from last weekend. The fireman hat is attached to the whole thing like a hoody so he was nice and warm. We trick or treated for about 3 hours, Hunter fell asleep really easy last night poor little guy was so tired. :) They all had a good time!