This Explains It!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Grandma Shultz

I am here in the hospital with Grandma tonight. I brushed her soft hair, I held her head - she's so fragile. The grandma that once stomped around with greatness is weak and frail and in pain. They changed her dressing and when she cried I just wanted to sweep her up and take her out of here. My heart breaks for her and I have no way to show or tell her. She has been the backbone and core of this family for so long I fear there will be nothing left without her. Already there is turmoil and anger in the ranks as she lay helpless in the hospital bed. I love my grandma and I close my eyes and remember a healthier time for her. God watch over her.


  1. Not sure what's up with your Grandma by now (it's 5/27)---but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers! Keep pouring out to God, like you always do with such courage and tenacity...I know He listens!
