This Explains It!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Hot Shower

I am still not able to take a hot shower, well its not cold but its absolutely not as hot as I used to have it. I get so winded and short of breath now that my lungs can't handle the thickness of the air. The steam or whatever, I wonder if I will be able to ever have a HOT HOT HOT shower again. Maybe not, maybe tomorrow the Lord will heal me and this will all be but a memory in the journey we call life. Maybe tomorrow will never come. I know I feel blessed to have had today. My husband that I love dearly, my children, they are so beautiful every last one of them. We have a house, and employment, and most of all we have each other. With all the new medical problems that have come up the last few months and yet I can't help but to still be so thankful. The Lord is good and he is providing. We are proof of that every single day we open our eyes in the morning!

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