This Explains It!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Ever heard of Vita? I hadn't until a few years ago when Steve started doing taxes, I thought it was a military thing. When we got out here he started doing it here. He was working with the family service center in town, kinda like a KCR here. Well this year they had a banquet. It was really nice, great food and good people. It reminded me of the ceremonies and meetings that we used to go to when he was active. It was nice to see people so appreciative of my husband. I was very proud of my husband! He's so smart!


Barbara seized again. This time we weren't here, the boys found her. Steve and I had just left when we got the phone call, maybe 45 mins or so - the nurse was at the house and she had a seizure but came out of it. Yay!!!! she came out of it, she's never come out of it like that before so we were excited, maybe the medicine was working. The nurse said she was fine, Steve even talked to her and she was ok, so we didn't come home. About an hour later Angela called, the Babysitter was on the phone with 911. She was seizing hard and wasn't stopping. We left right away. Will is pretty upset and worried, seeing her like that really got to him.She seized from 6:30 to 11:00pm. I left the hospital about midnight. Went back yesterday and still no change, non responsive. Going to try to take out the breathing tube this morning and see how she does. Prayers please!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Real Thoughts

Ever thought what you would do if you new you only had a few days to live? The world as you know it would be over and there was nothing you or anyone could do to change it. What would you spend your time doing? Would you stay with family? Would you set aside the arguments and forgive, would you borrow money and party like you never have? The thought is one that none of us want to spend any time on. But I think its a thought that deserves alot of thought. It makes me think when was the last time I told my kids I loved them. Makes me want to hug everyone of them and not let go. It makes me thank God for the time he has given me and it makes me ask for forgiveness for everything. It makes me want to tell my husband how much he means to me and how I couldn't think of life without him. All though our world is hectic and busy I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. I'm going to try and live my life with this thought in front of my thoughts and not in the back of my head.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Barbara Update

So Barbara finally got out of the hospital and has been put in a skilled nursing facility. Me and Hunter are going to go up there today and see her. The thing that sucks is there were no beds available near us so she is still 45 minutes away. Hopefully sometime soon one of the local ones will have something open but until then we are still making the hike.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Never to forget

Hunter loves sausages and hot dogs. He will grab a frozen package of hot dogs and will let me thaw only for a few minutes. He will open the microwave door and before I can even get it opened, he has a partially frozen hot dog in his hand an running. Its a hot dog Popsicle! Tonight while I was making dinner He went into the freezer and opened a box of Banquet Sausages, carrying around his box of frozen sausages and waving his Popsicle's at his father. This was the first time Steve ever saw it, so I got an aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh He has frozen sausages! And he's touching me with them!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA it was great. !!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sun and Rain

It was raining forever here and it was bringing me and the kids pretty down, so it finally gets warm and I'm out for one day and I got the rash! Just one day, went to doc and she said I better become a hat wearing kinda girl. I don 't wear hats, Maybe a baseball cap every once in awhile. But not all the time, and sunscreen 50 plus every hour anytime I'm out of my house!!! I love the sun, but now I miss the rain.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Best Buy - Worst Buy

A few days ago I woke up and smelt smoke, I was asleep downstairs with Hunter, Steve's working the outage and needs the sleep so when Hunter started having a melt down at 2am, I took him down stairs with me. So the smoke - I smelt it looked down at me feet and saw it, closed my chair up and looked around, couldn't find anything, checked the fire place but its gas and behind a piece of glass so it didn't come from there, but I checked it anyways. Couldn't find anything, turned off the fireplace, moved away and went back to sleep. When the kids woke up I told them what happened, they looked and found my computer's power cord had melted, then cut in half. So the heat from the fireplace melted the plastic coating and warmed the wires, when I shut my chair I completed the cycle and cut the wires. So now I have no power cord. The computer is from Best Buy so I called them and they priced me at $69.00 for a blasted cord!!!! Really????? No Really????? That's insane!!!! Looked at Amazon and you wouldn't believe the price! $8.00, 8 yup I said 8 dollars!!! That's crazy good!!!!!! So ordered my cord, cost 14 with shipping and handling and got it yesterday. So I say Best Buy is really the WORST BUY!!!!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My baby hurts

Lately we have been trying to get the boys to be more social at school and on the bus. They both like to bury their heads in books and not deal with people. Chase seems to be comfortable there. Will on the other hand has been coming to me and telling me how he hates not having friends and he see's everyone with their friends and its not fair. He told me that he had a great friend - Asher, but now that we have moved and his friendship with him will never be the same, he doesn't talk to him all the time anymore and he wouldn't even know what to say to him now. It breaks my heart to see him hurt. I don't know what to do to help. We talked for a long time tonight about it. He was in tears......he wants friends but says that people at school don't even know he exists. "No one even knows when I'm in the room" as his eyes swelled up. Being a kid is so hard! We get so wrapped up in being parents and raising the kids right, paying the bills, and everything else that takes our minds away from things. But its not till know did I really think back and remember how hard it was growing up, and the fear that I had every morning, going to school was so hard. Sitting here thinking about it I get tears in my eyes, It was such an emotional time, and I had a few core friends, but not to have them, or before I met them since we did move alot, it was horrible and thats where my baby is right now and all I can do is tell him how wonderful he is and to try to talk and to not worry, and give him a huge hug and kiss him on his cheek while tears roll down his face. My baby hurts and I can't fix it.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Potty Training

Yesterday I figured out how to potty train Hunter. Every time he goes to the bathroom in the toilet I give him a peice of candy. Yesterday he went Poop, and Potty twice!!! And he wore his big boy underwear for most of the day! We enrolled him in pre-school for August and he has to be potty trained to go into the class. He will go to class on Tuesday and Thursday's for 2 hours. I'm not excited about that at all! :(

Barbara Update

Well, it was an infection. They are growing it in a petri dish to confirm whether or not its MRSA.  Day before yesterday they took her into surgery and removed the prosthesis. She was not thrilled at this at all. But she made it through. She's in the ICU now, she was sitting up and moving around yesterday. She is going to be at a facility for now on, the first 6 weeks she is out she needs to have a regiment of antibiotics for 6 weeks, they have to be given through a pic line. Then after that they have said she is considered epileptic so she will need to be around people to make sure she doesn't seize again. The case worker at the hospital is  a very nice very helpful lady. She will keep us updated as to where we are in the transition. The lord was looking down on her once again.