This Explains It!!!
Monday, January 24, 2011
It's never a dull moment in the Boyer house. We came home and started cleaning up, we had been out with Barbra (She had us drive 45 mins, to a church she used to go to then wouldn't get out to go inside so we turned around and went home) Were making dinner and relized that the boys didn't clean up the basement so we were having issues getting them down there and clean it. Will is coming down the steps and starts bleeding all over. He was coming down and stepped on a broken piece of his desk. It was a staple that was really big, its a puncture wound. So I'm putting pressure on it, all the kids run over, Barbra is complaing that Netflicks isn't working, and my carpet has blood. We were able to get it to stop bleeding, went online and found out how to clean it, dab the spot with an absorbant cloth then get detergent and scrub it with a toothbrush (I just used a cloth) then put amonia on it. Band aid on it and back to cleaning up the basement. aaahhhh and that was a good night :)
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Will's Contacts
Will has now been given the green light on his contacts. He is so hard on the glasses, he mends them, pushes them on his face so hard that they are angled from the bottom up. We told him that he had to get plastic frames that he wouldn't do that too or he could get contacts. At first he was resistant so we told him that's fine we will get you different frames. He refused it so he went for his check up and wore them for 4 hours the first couple days then 6 now 8, as long as everything goes ok for the next week, he will get his prescription and that's that. He put his contacts in the other day, then Steve took him to get a hair cut and he looked so much older. He's not my little man with a lisp and glasses. He looks so much older now........
Friday, January 21, 2011
Mom's Night Out
Last night was Mom's night out for my mom's group. It was the first time I have been out by myself since we moved here. We went bowling and then me and Jen went to Applebee's and hung out. I had one beer while we were bowling and I had half of a margarita at Applebee's, it was so strong! I couldn't finish it. Jenn goes to the church we are going to try this weekend, it will be nice to have some one you know there. I bowled 84 the first time and in the 60's the next time. And that is a good game for me! We had fun. It was so nice to relax and be around other women, there was no pressure or time limit to do anything. We just talked and hung out and it was great! I am so glad I went especially since the kids school was cancelled again! This was the 3rd day this week!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Watching Balls of Fury with my Hubby and loving spending time with him. We have been talking about him going back into the military as active duty, moving back to Washington and what would it be like and just the whole situation. Sitting here with him makes me think that I enjoy him more than I enjoy money or the military. I have a wonderful husband! Situations are hard. As long as we stick together we will make it through anything, sshhhh we have 5 kids, a mother in law, military, work, and we do awesome! Just thinking outloud :)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Will's wrestling match
Last night Will had a match and he didn't win, but he wasn't bent out of shape about it and he didn't cry. He has been telling me that I push him too much in wrestling and its bothering him, so last night I was like I'm proud of you wether you win or lose, and just have fun. Well then he lost, and he said he was ok with the lose but he would have done better if he was ampted up and if I had pushed him more! Ok so tomorrow at the tournament I'm going to push him again and see what happens.....Wish him luck!
The kids
Two of the kids haven't been keeping up with their homework so we took electronics away from them.. And they are mad at I know its part of being parents. And I keep saying I'm not here to be their friends I am here to guide them and attempt to mold them the way God intended us to. But it is so frustrating at times, just do the damn homework, they would both have A's in every class if they would just freakin do it. Now that its the weekend and they want to do stuff they are moping around and attempting to make us feel bad for them. The only thing they are doing is pissing me off, I don't know how Steve feels about it cause I haven't really talked to him about it this morning but aaaahhhhhh, now they have all this time on their hands why not do the homework? That would make sense right? Its like working for the government! Just do it, why do you have to do all the bullshit and involve other people in your fault when if you just got the job done it wouldn't even be an issue!!!!!!
Hunters Nose
We took Hunter in and he did NOT brake it. Although if you ask him if his nose hurts he will tell you that he broke it :) He did however stretch his septum out, that's the cardalige that is in your nose, he has little slices or places that tore on it from being stretched. They will heal, they might bleed some more over the next few days until they heal but that's about it. So Yayyyyyy he is ok :)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Lupus..the curse of the Wolf......
Have you ever woken up and not know what day it is? Ever wake up and realize that you want to go back to sleep, as your eyes open every vein in your body hurts....there's not enough liquor in the world to give you this kind of a hang over. With every breath I feel ever cell in my body wake up. As the dual achy pain surfaces I can't help but get pissed, and frustrated. There is no pill to help, no tonic to erase the pain. I yet again call the Dr, her answers are scarry.........but true....reality with Lupus is hard to hear, hard to live. How is it you can be blessed in more ways than you ever imagined, have a wonderful life and then one small thing turns into everything you think about.............they call it the curse - the rash that I get makes me look like a wolf, the curse of the wolf
New Year
Heres to a Happy New Year and a wonderful adventure to come. I plan on doing the following this year. Posting more :) And more than a resulution but a prayer, I pray that I will attempt to find happiness in every situation that life may throw at me.
Did you know that 70% of all new year resultions are broke within the first two weeks? Which is why we at the Boyer household don't make them, we make prayers and wish lists :) Hope everyone had a great new year night and a merry christmas
Did you know that 70% of all new year resultions are broke within the first two weeks? Which is why we at the Boyer household don't make them, we make prayers and wish lists :) Hope everyone had a great new year night and a merry christmas
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