This Explains It!!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Mia Girl Scout Camp
There aren't alot of pictures, at least not of Mia from the front, she was so excited and it was so busy when we dropped her off at camp that I didn't get alot. I will get more of Angela when we drop her off. Here are a few, it was really nice there.Click Here
Mia took this and I just can't believe the difference! This is Chloe! She has gotten so big. You don't realize how big they get when you see em everyday.
Selectee Boyer
Steve has a crazy amount of tasks to complete now that he is Selectee Boyer. He had to get a Kaki spoon and send pictures of it to his Chief since Chief Peterson had to spoon feed him and all the others. hahahaha Then it wasn't a clear enough picture, not a kaki enough spoon, then it wasn't big enough so Steve got a shovel! Then he had to blow eggs, and me and the girls helped him color the eggs. Two had to be Hispanic (why are there only two of us????) Two were black, one was a white girl and the rest were white guys. Its suppose to simulate the ratio that is really in the Navy. We had to paint them, give them uniforms, insignia's, hair, eyes, and then a bed, and their "rack" had to be decorated. Later me and Steve made a flag and he has to write countless reports and find out a crazy amount of information. If you want to see some pictures of Steve Blowing an egg. Click Here
Friday, July 23, 2010
Willow Grove
I am going to attempt to take all 5 kids to Willow Grove today. Yesterday was a hard day. The kids' first day back we knew it would be hard on them and us I think your just never prepared for what comes out of babes mouths. I am tired and I pray I will have the strength to make it there and back with a positive attitude. Yesterday God was with me every step of the way. He gave me patience and understanding. I can't say thank you enough to him for just the one day let alone the next weeks or months. One day at a time - that's my goal. The kids are still asleep, well Hunter is awake of course but the others are sleeping. I'm going to let them sleep and then we are going to take a trip. Steve needs a new uniform that I am going to pick up for him. I took the kids to the park yesterday after dinner so Steve could get his Chief tasks done, they are never ending. Just when I think he will be able to breath, the phone rings again. Hopefully getting his uniform for him will help and he can check some tasks off. Well here we go.........on with today......:)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Kids Are Back
We picked Angela and Chase up tonight. Their flight was 41 minutes late but we got them. It was a blessing that it was late though because we hit crazy traffic on the way there. Steve was getting really worried that we were going to be late, he ran in the airport when he saw that the plane was late - he was so relieved. The Navy has him running in circles. There's another task waiting as soon as he gets home. Family Weekend is this weekend and all the Chiefs have been asking if we are going to be there. Its weird but I'm nervous about going. Him getting Chief is a huge thing and every time he is on the phone they ask how his wife is taking. That worries me, these guys are complete strangers and they are asking how I am doing, makes me wonder what will come next. They weren't joking when they said "He's mine till September" Ever since he found out there hasn't been one hour that goes by that he isn't doing something for them! I'm proud of him! I am going to try and be as supportive as possible. The good thing is the kids are home and they are safe. I am so excited that they are home. Its crazy how much you miss people when they aren't there and how crazy they can drive you when they are. All my babies are home now! Maybe tonight I will sleep better :)
Today I went to the cardiologist. I had to have a stress test done. I got in there and they hooked me up to the sticky's and gave me an IV. The wires were hooked up to my chest and stomach. I had an IV in one arm and a blood pressure cuff on the other. My temperature was taken every few minutes, and the BP was taken in between. I had to get on the treadmill with all the connections, and every 30 seconds the speed and incline would go up. Once my heart rate got to where they wanted it I had to run for 1 minute in that speed with that heart rate, then they pushed the Isatopes. Its not a dye, its Isatopes! Who knows what that means but that is what they told me. The Isatope was put in my IV and I am RADIOACTIVE for the next 3 days, The isatope will then have half the life in my system. Every 3 days the isatope will decay a little more till its completely out of my system. Until then I have to stay away from Hunter so it doesnt absorb in his skin. The nurse said holding him was fine but sleeping with him for hours was not ok, at least till the first round of decay. After the Isatope was in my system they put me in a tube, like a CAT scan only the machine moves instead of you. It picks up the energy that the isatope gives off and takes pictures. It takes 64 pictures in 20 minutes. I had pictures taken at 9 this morning and then 3 hours later. I should get my results tomorrow morning. I thought it was going to be a lot more running and jumping or something. Did not think I would go home being radioactive! Ha hahahahahahaha...............I'm not glowing or anything and I don't feel any different but I know the isatope is still in my system. Kinda kool.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
My garden is doing great! I saw my first cucumber today, it looks like a little kosher pickle but its still growing, and its awesome, I'm so excited - the tomatoes are still green but there's alot of them. My first garden and so far its a success. Doing a little dance - oh yeah oh yeah. :)
Stress Test
Tomorrow I have my stress test, I guess I get injected with some kind of dye and then wait. After 3 hours they take a picture, they asked if I could run on a treadmill and I told them yes but not very good. I'm just so tired lately. I ache and I feel like I'm getting worse. I see the doc this afternoon for another blood test. I'm so tired of all these tests. Last week they put me in a plasitc tube that closed from the front and had me breath in helium to see how my lungs are working. It was a neat machine but it was loud and the machine was scary but in the end it was just weird. It is amazing though what medical doctors can do know a days.
Chase & Angela
They are coming home tomorrow!!!!! I am so excited!!!! I'm nervous too, and I feel for them because I know they are leaving their Mom again - I use that term very loosely. They come back tomorrow around 530, Sarah is going to watch Hunter while me and the other two go get them. Even with 3 of them in the house, Angela is the loud one and it just seems so quite here. I'm sure I wont say that after they are home and I am stressed out about all of them and the move and all but right now I just want my babies home! One more day!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Hunter can whistle! How cool is that???? I think its because he can speak Spanish and English that his tongue and mouth muscle's are developing differently but whatever the reason, its the coolest thing to have him running around whistling.
Will's Back
So Will went to Wrestling Camp in York PA, he went for 5 days. It was a resident camp and he had a blast! When I picked him up it was like he wrestled for the first time, he was so excited about the moves he learned and the whole experience. He was a little bummed because he was the lightest one at camp, I guess there was a 9 year old that weighted more than him. But hey just like Grandma Shultz says - Good things come in small packages. He only weights 73 lbs. He's a little guy after his mother's heart! hehehehehe I think its cute that he is so small, he doesn't though. Oh well, he's home and he's tired. He hung out with the big kids, 13 & 14 year olds I wasn't too excited about some of the conversations they had but at least he feels comfortable telling me about how inappriorprate some of these kids are. Mia comes home tonight and the other two are close behind. Then all the babies will be home! And just in time to start packing and getting on with the next phase of our lives!!! Yaaaaaaaayyyyyy
Friday, July 9, 2010
So back to the 4th of July, on the 3rd when we celebrated it we went out to a field and put our blankets down with our drinks, a band playing and lots of glow sticks. We watched the fireworks and were proud to be free Americans. Living for so long in a military town you get used to others around you having a sense of pride for just being there. Here in civilian world its like they get it but they don’t live it. I layed down on the blanket with Steve holding Hunter in one arm and Mia in the other, holding Steve’s hand looking up at the beautiful array of fireworks and just breathed. With all the chaos around us, with all the wild cards that are coming up we have each other. God has given us this bond for a reason, and we can do this. It may not be easy but we can do it.
I read a quote the other day that said I didn’t chose the hand that was dealt to me but I’m still in! Well no, we didn’t choose it. God gave it to us as a gift and it’s our choice how many hands we play and when to fold. Now I’m not too good at the game, but I tell you what – I get further in the hand of life when I turn my hand over to God.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Day before 4th of July
Well the celebration is today so Happy Fourth Of July!!!!!!!!!!! We are going to Pottstown to see the fireworks in a few hours. We went to the carnival and it had a car show - love those old cars.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Do you think God can be mad at you? If you have a relationship with the Lord and you can be mad at him, can he be mad at you? God is love and God is everything good, and he's our father so how can he be mad. I don't know but the past week I think God might be mad at me. Maybe God has given us all "gifts" that we don't understand or that we see as being curse's. So if this is a gift then how do I tell myself to be thankful and not pissed?
Catch Up
Ok sorry, haven't been in for awhile but let me catch you up a little. Chase and Angela left 3 days ago to go to their Mom's in Washington. They won't be back for 3 weeks. - Will left with the church group to go to Creation, he won't be back until Sunday. So its Mia and Hunter. Its weird having only 2. Its so quiet in the house. Mia is bored alot and I am now the only entertainer. That's different and fun! Hunter has learned how to whistle!!!
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