This Explains It!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year 2012

By the date of this first entry you are probably reliazing that this year is just as busy if not busyier than last year.
School started back up and I was so thrilled. I hate saying that because I love my kids I do but its hard having all five of them home day after day. Wanting to do nothing at all, because school calls it a vacation. So why should they have to even wipe themselves - its their Vacation!!!!
Steve worked night shift on Christmas so that sucked. The older kids helped me play Santa for the little guy. Then I played Santa for the four older ones alone. Its not a horrible thing to have to do alone - its just one of those things that when you look around and smile, you I really do love it when my husband and I do want him here at these little times. It seems like there are so few left. The kids are growing up so fast. I listen to some of these stay at home Mom's talking about they cant wait for their husbands to work night shift, or wait for that overtime. Some actually like it when the hubby has to travel for work. Me - I watch the clock and when it turns to 26 after I'm staring at that door waiting for him to come in with the best smile a wife could have. The kids all jump up and hugs are being thrown at him from every direction. It takes all that I have to wait in the back of the line so everyone can get their fill. Then I can get my hug and kiss. I don't understand people. I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go around but its hard to sit next to some of these women when they open their mouths. Either way I know I come home to my own hugs and smiling faces. I love my family, even on THOSE days, Mom's know what I mean :)

1 comment:

  1. It makes me happy that you're happy. =) We are very blessed to have such beautiful and loving families. =)
